(in swedish)
(in spanish)
Through my company Teledata Sweden I can offer mail services. Either on the domain teledata.se. Like name.surname@teledata.se or on z99.se as name.surname@z99.se or on b1.se as name.surname@b1.se
I recommend an alternate email account in parallel with your regular mail address. This is good as not to unnecessarily expose the primary one, when you shop, order travel, or simply want to be a little more ”anonymous”
In addition, it is good to be able to choose unambiguous alternatives, when, for example, name.surname@gmail.com is taken. Then I usually suggest a prefix, type name.surname.privat@gmail.com or why not name.surname.retired@gmail.com
I have a good domain for e-mail. I call the Bettan b1.se that I can offer as a yearly subscription. Most short and simple domain names are already taken and besides, most free e-mail services have removed.
I can offer e-mail on domain @b1.se (Bettan) as a yearly subscription at an advantageous price
Email me at: claes.askeroth@b1.se